Sunday 8 May 2011

Front Cover, Contents Page, Double Page Spread & Mood Board

Front Cover
Above is the final version of the front page. It follows the codes and conventions in some ways because the bar code is located in the bottom right hand corner with a website written below it. The website was written in order to give promotion to the company. Also as you can see there is a black lightening bolt with 'FREE CD INSIDE' written across it. This is a lure, as the readers will be more likely to buy a magazine if there are enticements. The 'Free Posters Inside' is also a lure. 

Contents Page
Above is a final version of the contents page. As you can see it has very bright colours, which will catch the eye of the reader. There are no lures on this page. As you can see the main image is an eye-level long shot of Jenai. The graffiti on the ramp in which Jenai is stood, is also eye-catching. Where there is a black star and it says 'Subscribe! Just Visit' this is also in some ways promoting the company with the website. 

Double Page Spread
Above is the final version of the double page spread. As you can see it's very different from the front page and contents as the colours are not quite as bright. There are 5 different images used on this, whereas on the contents and front page there is only one image. This page follows the codes and conventions of real magazines in some ways, because as you can see i have written a quote and made it stand out by placing it on a eye-catching shape. 

Mood Board
Lastly, above is my mood board. It includes most of the pictures which i used on the front page, contents and double page spread. It also includes two of the fonts which i used and the main colours which are used in my work.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your music magazine and why?

Our target audience as you know is those who appreciate rap and urban music. There is a gap for this in the market as there are hardly any rap magazines. 'Vibe' magazine, the magazine i mentioned previously, isn't actually a rap magazine, but its a music magazine that often features rap artists. It is a niche market because obviously its only a small part of the population that enjoy that kind of music.

I believe that the magazine institution that would distribute our magazine is 'Bauer'. The reason i think this is because i researched Bauer and it appears they distributed other music magazines/channels for example; 4Music,  Kerrang, Kiss 100, and many more.

Above is the logo for Bauer Media. It appears from the research i have done that this company have experience with our kind of magazine, as they have distributed others like it.

I believe that 'Emap' is the company that would definitely not distribute our magazine. The reason for this is because that company focus on digital media, broadcasting in particular, advertising and film.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Question 2: How does your music magazine represent particular social groups?

In our music magazine we have represented no particular social group, we have just tried to aim it mostly at our target audience. And our target audience is those who enjoy rap music. Like i have stated before, we wrote not formal, but not informal either so that way we can get everyone involved with the magazine and everyone will be able to understand it. The way Jenai is posed in the pictures has a little bit of attitude but isn't really forced, it was just a quick easy pose. This doesn't make a difference, but as she is a female it will attract the male part of our target audience. Vibe is a magazine that is rather like ours, because it usually features rap artists.
Above is a picture of the front cover of Vibe magazine. As you can see, Eminem is the main cover image and he is a very famous rap artist. The way he is stood in this image attracts females to the magazine. 

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During this blog, i have learnt a great deal about technologies. The many different technologies i came to work with during the time are:

Internet: I used the internet to search for other magazines to analyze, and to do other research. Also if ever i had an queries i would google it.

PowerPoint: I used PowerPoint a lot because our teachers provided us with many PowerPoint's in order to help us. Also at the very beginning of all of this work, i started to do everything on PowerPoint before transferring it straight onto my blog.

Digital Camera: Obviously i used a digital camera in order to take the pictures for the front cover, contents page and double page spread. This is something i was already quite confident in using, but it still gave me extra practice.

Photoshop: Photoshop is something i had used a few times previously for photography, but not very much at all. I used it during this piece of work in order to edit pictures of put things together like mock ups etc.
Blogger: Obviously blogger is the main one out of all of these, for everything i have done has been uploaded onto here.

Scanner: In a few cases, i done my work on a piece of paper. Instead of typing it all up i thought it would be logical to scan the work and then upload it straight to blogger.

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Even though my preliminary task wasn't very detailed, it still helped me a lot with my actual music magazine. The preliminary helped me improve ideas for the real thing. When i created the contents page of a college magazine for the preliminary, i had to research other magazines, and i noticed things on magazines that i would never usually notice.

I now understand the codes and conventions of magazines a lot better, and know how to make a magazine look a lot more professional. There are still some things in Photoshop that i do not quite understand how to work, but i know more than i did in the beginning. Before i made the magazine, i only had some experience with Photoshop because i do A level photography. But now, after weeks of using it, i can edit pictures easier.

One thing that i did already know before this task, was how to set up shots better and how to consider locations of the shoots. The reason i already knew a lot about this is because like i said previously i took A level photography. I also did GCSE media studies so learnt a lot about camera shots and angles then.

Final Double Page Spread